Sunday 7 October 2007

Evil Gazelle

I don't remember the specifics of the conversation... probably watching wildlife programmes but somehow it got round to evil gazelle... anyhow either myself or my girlfriend suggested the evil-est of all was Vlad the Impala... Oh how we laughed

So here he is in all his glorious evil majesty...

One of the hardest things to believe is the abysmal depths of Human stupidity

... a quote from Aleister Crowley although I believe it is actually attributed originally to Robert Heinlein. I may be entirely wrong... and to be honest it's not really stupidity thats the subject here... more a lack of conscientiousness. Anyway this little strip came about after myself and a colleague were discussing the difficulty we often had having people follow processes laid down to make their lives easier and complex pipelines easily navigable...

I call this the Hamster Metaphor... incidentally the when she said this I almost fired coffee out my nose... perhaps you had to be there but it made me laugh.

Thursday 10 May 2007

Artopia: Creative Boredom

Been hankering to do something creative again for a while so I figured I'd go back and re-work some of my old character designs

I will colour these at some point